A massive landslide buried two Himachal Pradesh roadways buses, killing at least 46 people and injuring several others at Kotrupi near Padhar on the Mandi-Pathankot national highway, officials said on Sunday.
The toll could rise further as over 50 passengers were travelling in the two buses hit by the landslide, which was triggered by a cloud burst, they said.
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch on Thursday a regional air connectivity scheme under which the fares of flights will be capped at Rs2,500 per seat per hour.
Modi will flag off a flight from Shimla to Delhi to launch the 'UDAN' (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) scheme which is aimed at boosting regional connectivity.
Simultaneously, flights will be launchedRead more
Forty-three passengers were killed when a private bus plunged into River Tons in remote Nerwa area of Shimla district in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday.
The passengers were on their way from Vikasnagar in Uttarakhand to Tuni and the accident took place on the Uttarakhand-Himachal border in Himachal territory, Deputy Commissioner Shimla, Rohan Chand Thakur said. Read more