Galadari Ice Cream Company (GICC), which exclusively manages and operates Baskin Robbins in the Gulf region, has been honoured with the coveted “2011 International Partner of the Year” award, competing with major players across the world. This award is the most prestigious recognition Dunkin Brands Inc (owner of Baskin Robbins) accords to its global partners and GICC has won it four times in the last seven years. GICC has also won other awards in the past from Dunkin Brands Inc including the “Innovator of the Year” award twice. With this remarkably consistent performance over the years, GICC has successfully managed to maintain Baskin Robbins’ undisputed market dominance in the region. GICC has earned the award for their remarkable drive to excel in every aspect of the business along with exemplary execution. Gracefully accepting the award, Khaled Soliman, Group CEO of Galadari Brothers Co. LLC, said: “This recognition is truly a testimony to our inherent belief in exemplary innovation and execution par excellence which ensures that we remain brand leaders in the industry.” Expressing deep gratitude to his entire team, Manoj Loya, General Manager of GICC, added, “This is only possible with a team having the right attitude and a tremendous passion to excel.” GICC is a flagship company in the Galadari Brothers Group. GICC is the master franchisee for the Baskin Robbins brand in the GCC and is the world’s largest franchisee for Baskin Robbins with over 500 stores spread across the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait. GICC has been the first company to introduce an international brand of ice cream in the region and has the largest store network in the Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) industry in the Gulf region.