The Tunisian-Emirian relations and means to strengthen them were the focus of a meeting held, on Tuesday at El Ain, between Sheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed al Nahyane, the United Arab Emirates President, and Interim Prime Minister Béji Caid Essebsi.The Emirian President commended the fraternal relations binding the two countries and voiced consideration and support to the Tunisian Revolution and respect of the Tunisian people's choice.He asserted his country's readiness to help Tunisia in the coming stage and invest in development projects.For his part, Mr. Caid Essebsi expressed deep satisfaction at the UAE's stand vis-à-vis the Tunisian Revolution and its support to the country's democratic transition.He reviewed Tunisia's efforts in the face of challenges, at home and abroad, to guarantee success to the democratic transition and realise the Revolution objectives.The Interim PM had also a meeting with Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed Ben Zayed al Nahyane. The meeting turned on the future of the two countries' co-operation, while taking into account the development plans and programmes devised by the Tunisian Government.Abu Dhabi Crown Prince reasserted the UAE's readiness to contribute to the achievement of investment projects in Tunisia and boost bilateral co-operation, particularly in light of the climate of trust characterising the two countries' relations. The national defence and finance ministers took part in these two meetings.Mr. Caid Essebsi had arrived in Abu Dhabi from Doha. He will visit, this evening, Kuwait, the last stage of his round in the Gulf countries.