The Project Solar Citizen Project launched in 2016, on the initiative of the National Agency for Energy

 The Project Solar Citizen Project launched in 2016, on the initiative of the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME), in partnership with the German society for international co-operation (GIZ) to put in place awareness-raising strategies on the control of the consumption of energy and the promotion of the renewable energies, was closed on Tuesday in Tunis.


 "In 2016, the ANME had selected 26 associations active in 17 governorates, which received funding of 5,000 dinars each, with the objective of launching environmental awareness projects in their regions," said Fathi Hamad, officer in charge of communication, awareness-raising and relations with associations in ANME.


Hamad said activities of the associations have gone beyond awareness-raising actions in terms of energy control, raising awareness of the importance of renewable energies in preserving the environment and reducing consumption costs to touch on the installation of solar energy generators for public electrification or schools as well farms.


Yosra Bousselmi, Project Solar Citizen co-ordinator, said GIZ has organised training sessions on renewable energy and photovoltaic technologies, in addition to project management and methodology of targeting audience.


She added that the ANME / civil society partnership will continue by launching, on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, the call for candidates for the year 2017, which will cover the entire Tunisian territory, through various associations.


Bousselmi said the project "solar citizen" has translated a true commitment of civil society, a real desire to change mentality in relation to energy consumption.


This project has also allowed these associations to establish a real complementarity between them, given that each of them has its own specificities in the management of environmental projects.

source: TAP