August 29, 2016
A close relationship is a profound source of joy. Lately, you've felt conflicted about a work matter. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner has been very supportive. Take their advice seriously. Leaving a job that makes you miserable may create financial uncertainty, but you'll feel so much better as a result. Your health has been suffering because of someone's selfishness. Be gentle with yourself. Exit a toxic situation and give yourself time to recover. Your loved ones will help you
Weekly Horoscopes
It could be difficult to strike a healthy balance between your professional and private lives. You may want to put a romantic relationship on hold until you get some job security. If you have a choice between taking a flat salary and earning a commission, choose the latter. You may easily outperform the competition. Put your powers of persuasion to work. They will be instrumental to your career success. Trust your instincts about what people want to hear.
The more sociable you are the easier it will be to achieve a cherished goal. An enthusiastic friend is eager to help. You, too, could put your matchmaking talent to good use. By setting two artistic friends up on a blind date you'll create a match made in heaven. You're eager for a change and to try new interests. Take a fresh look at what's going on around you. You're so adventurous these days you have the nerve to turn a risky venture into a successful one.
August 2016 Horoscope
At the beginning of August, you'll have an exciting opportunity to embark on your dream career. Be sure to accept a creative assignment on the 2nd, when the New Moon will help you find a fulfilling job. A romantic partner will have mixed feelings about your new direction. Be receptive to their support and ignore their words of caution. You have to take a calculated risk if you aim to move ahead. The middle of August is a good time for all financial negotiations because your perceptive powers of persuasion are peculiarly potent. The Lunar Eclipse on the 18th is perfect for finding some private time. Although your amour's attention is flattering, you are still a solitary creature. Sneak off to a private hideaway where you can read, reflect and build castles in the air. Hard work and discipline will impress an authority figure during the second half of August. Be prepared to put in long hours and go the extra mile.