June 2, 2016
It's important to be clear about your personal goals. If you're not sure which direction to take, pause and reflect. Instead of making long term plans, think about what you'd like to see happen immediately. This will give you a better idea about which steps to take. A relative will try to sway your opinion. Don't fall victim to their guilt trips. You've always been highly conscientious. Whatever path you take, it won't involve hurting anyone. The important thing is to put your own needs first.
Weekly Horoscopes
Be sure to attend a party because it will give you a chance to rub elbows with a new set of contacts. The wider your social net, the easier it will be to reach your career objectives. You never know who is in a position to get you a job interview. Be realistic about a family matter. A relative who has been struggling with a health problem could need more help than you can give. Contact a government agency that is designed to help people in your situation.
Don't build your hopes up about a new relationship. Don't become too discouraged either if a first date doesn't go very well. You might feel they won't ever want to see you again but your hunches could prove wrong. It will come as a nice surprise when they ask you out again. So don't get too excited but don't dismiss a romance as not standing a chance because it could well have potential. If you already have a partner, a healthy, supportive relationship will reduce your stress levels.
June 2016 Horoscope
Home life will be stressful at the beginning of June. It will be impossible to get your needs met by self absorbed relatives. Instead of looking to them for support, seek to satisfy your own needs. You might decide to move into your own place. Resist the urge to sign a lease on the 6th, when the New Moon will tempt you into making a hasty decision. Hold out for a place that is within your budget and well located. Your boss or your own business affairs could put pressure on you in June, demanding you work extra hours. If you satisfy their demands, a pay rise or promotion could arrive near the 20th. Alternatively, you may become so frustrated with your employer that you find a different job during the second half of June. Either way, you will emerge more successful than you did at the start of the month. Steering a friendship into romantic waters is possible as June turns to July