May 8, 2017
Taking an overseas trip is strongly advised. Even if you don't have the funds in your bank account, you have the ability to go. An educational, cultural or religious group can offer a greatly discounted rate. Take this opportunity to explore your options. You could even win a trip by purchasing a single raffle ticket or entering a talent contest. Do whatever you can to expand your horizons. Staying in one place dulls your creative impulses. Branch out.
Weekly Horoscopes
A delayed payment could finally arrive and it will be a major source of relief on a whole host of levels. Once you get your hands on these additional funds, you'll be able to pursue a new professional goal. If you've ever wanted to launch your own business, this is an ideal time to try. You might want to take on a silent partner. Working with someone who has plenty of previous experience will help you avoid the problems and pitfalls common to entrepreneurs. Keep your plans secret from rivals.
A friend or partner is pushing you to do things you don't want to do. You need to have more say in this relationship. Restless feelings are just below the surface. Take some time away from your usual routines to do something fun. A first date could be a bit of a flop. The two of you will not be disastrous as a romantic couple if that is what you're thinking. A small misunderstanding can be resolved and you will learn from this mistake.
May 2017 Horoscope
Working from home will be genuinely pleasant and productive in the early days of the month. It's much easier to develop ideas when you're in familiar surroundings. The Full Moon on the 10th will bring about a changing of the guard at work. When an executive leaves, you'll feel able to take over their duties with ease. At the middle of the month, you could travel for pleasure. If you're single, you could meet someone special on this journey. Do you have a partner? It will feel like you're having a second honeymoon. Good news about a lifelong dream will arrive during the second half of May. Take a bold risk of some kind. On the 25th, the New Moon will attract opportunities for love, romance and adventure. Take a break from your work to have some fun. Head for a private retreat as May winds to a close. You'll really need and enjoy the seclusion.