May 1, 2017
You've been hoping to assume more responsibility at work, but this will put stress on your personal life. It's better to pour your energy into personal relationships. Someone who helped you in the past needs your support. By turning your back on this benefactor, you will do permanent harm to your bond. Maintain perspective. Jobs will come and go, but people are unique. Be true to those who have been with you through good times and bad. These friendships are more precious than gold.
Weekly Horoscope
Winning fame and acclaim at work might come easily. Recently, you've had difficulty being recognised for your contributions. That could change very quickly now. If a high profile position at a great company becomes available, get your application in early. You will probably have all the experience and knowledge needed for this job. Ask for a higher salary than the one you are initially offered. You should go for what you know you are worth. Market yourself like a superstar.
There's some uncertainty about a relationship or job matter. Disagreements over money are starting to come between you and your partner. Whether this relates to a time when you weren't together or it is something that has cropped up now, you need to be more cooperative. Giving and receiving affection and taking time to reconnect with each other are some of the ways to bring you and your amour closer to each other. This could be a great week to embark on a romance if you are single
May 2017 Horoscope
The start of May makes it easier to finalise arrangements for an upcoming vacation. The delays and snags that held you back will magically disappear. Your home life will be rewarding during the first half of the month. Spend as much time in your domestic comfort zone as possible; it will help you cope with stress from public life. The Full Moon on the 10th brings the end to a period of seclusion. You'll welcome the chance to make more money. Check out opportunities involving sports, entertainment and leisure in general. Getting involved in a serious romance is possible during the second half of May. There may be a big age difference between you and your amour. On the 25th, the New Moon will prompt you to enter into a serious partnership. Although you've always prized your independence, you'll feel very comfortable working as a team with someone who is cultured, polite and artistic.