October 31, 2016
It’s easy to fall head over heels in love with a dynamic newcomer. Like you, the object of your affection takes relationships very seriously. Instead of playing mind games, they’ll return your affection in full measure. Resist the temptation to rush your affair. Let the courtship phase play out for as long as possible. Do you already have a serious partner? Buy your amour a fabulous token of your affection. Choose something that has deep personal meaning; a flashy status symbol will fall flat.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your love life could be about to take a torrid turn. It's flattering to find that you have caught the eye of someone sexy and if you are single you will have a great time getting to know each other, but don't be too quick to make a serious commitment. Keep your options open. If you are already in a relationship you may be in a better position to take on a new responsible role possibly involving parenthood or caring for a loved one in some way.
You're feeling lucky. You dream of winning a lottery jackpot but even a bottle of wine in a raffle would make you happy. You aren't likely to gamble regularly but it could be fun to be spontaneous. In romance, trust your intuition. If instinct tells you to follow a certain avenue, you could be pleasantly surprised by where this will take you. You and a partner or best friend will share similar priorities as the week ends.
October 2016 Horoscope
The New Moon on the 1st is ideal for finding a new home or welcoming an addition to your family. A relative or roommate could bring welcome stability to your household. Your love life will be a source of profound pleasure during the first half of the month. Don't let nosy relatives interfere with your private life. Setting healthy boundaries is critical to the health of a romantic relationship. Career demands could become increasingly stressful in mid-October; it may be necessary to miss a family gathering. The Full Moon on the 16th could present an opportunity to get ahead, provided you are willing to make some personal sacrifices. Working unusual hours or adopting an unfamiliar role could be in the cards. It will be difficult to devote much time to your best friend or romantic partner during the second half of the month. Be honest with loved ones about your limited availability. Don't make promises you cannot keep.