
January 1,2018
Be respectful towards a seasoned expert. Although their advice seems old fashioned, it’s right on the money. If you’re going to enjoy a successful career, you need advanced training. Going back to university or taking an intensive course will pay off handsomely. The New Year beckons you to change course. Simply daydreaming about an ideal future won’t result in the change you desire. Your ambition requires hard work and sacrifice. Pattern your behaviour after the accomplished expert you’ve always admired
Weekly Horoscopes
Frustrations at home are affecting your work. It's important to find a healthy outlet for upsetting emotions. Exercise and creative projects will restore the balance you desire. Your social life is a source of profound pleasure. Take this opportunity to attend as many parties as possible. Meeting new people and discussing current events will bring out the best in you. When you are tired and discouraged, resist the urge to stay home alone. Go out, mix and mingle.
Be respectful towards a seasoned expert. Although their advice seems old fashioned, it’s right on the money. If you’re going to enjoy a successful career, you need advanced training. Going back to university or taking an intensive course will pay off handsomely. The New Year beckons you to change course. Simply daydreaming about an ideal future won’t result in the change you desire. Your ambition requires hard work and sacrifice. Pattern your behaviour after the accomplished expert you’ve always admired
January 2017 Horoscope
The opening days of the month will find you catching up on mundane chores like paperwork, phone calls and errands. Use the power of the Full Moon on the 2nd to tie up some loose ends. If you've had difficulty with contract negotiations, you'll be able to finally come to an agreement on this pivotal date. The New Moon on the 17th invites you to expand your horizons in some exciting way. The opportunity to teach, write or travel for money will fall into your lap. Take this opportunity to add some impressive experience to your CV. On the 31st, a Lunar Eclipse will bring unexpected changes to your home life. Whether you have to find a new residence or need to make room for a relative in your living space, take heart. This transition will have tremendous financial benefits for you. Take this opportunity to make a deposit or open a savings account.