April 29,2016
Don't hesitate to ask for help in finishing a project. Victory is nearly in sight, but you lack the essential skills for doing an important aspect of the job. You know lots of talented people who will be happy to assist you. By joining forces, you'll turn an admirable effort into an exceptional one. Make sure you share full credit with your collaborators. You may be working together again sooner than expected. Keep a list of these contacts readily available at all times.
Weekly Horoscopes
It will be easier to get your point across. Recently, it felt like people were wilfully misunderstanding you. This trend will fall by the wayside when everyone realises you're the only person talking sense. Working privately on a creative project will attract abundance. When you're happily occupied, you radiate positive energy. People are drawn to you like moths to a flame. Don't be surprised when you're offered a lucrative job, complete with fringe benefits.
Someone who cares for you is about to get in touch. They know what you are hoping for and they can make things happen for you. Your gratitude will pave the way for even better things to come. If you are single, you might run into a lot of old acquaintances at parties and get-togethers but romance is destined with someone new. Give flowers to a neighbour who is celebrating a birthday. You will make their day. Spending time with old friends will be rewarding.
April 2017 Horoscope
You'll be working hard to improve your financial situation at the start of the month. Demanding a raise, increasing your fees and applying for a better paid job are all possibilities. Keep your receipts, as it will be necessary to return an expensive item that doesn't come up to expectations or is badly damaged. The Full Moon on the 11th will cause a power struggle in a close relationship. Beware of assuming a dictatorial attitude with your romantic or business partner. Hosting a gathering will lift your spirits at Easter; you'll enjoy serving as Master of Ceremonies. Your employer will become less demanding during the second half of April, allowing you to catch up on household or family responsibilities. On the 26th, you'll see a big improvement in your income. Having more money will give you more time for relaxing activities. It would be a good idea to take a solitary vacation by the sea. You'll welcome this opportunity to reconnect with your spiritual side