Award-winning author of “Partial Eclipse” and “Transit Authority,” poet Tony Sanders has been inspired by the challenge of writing a long poem for quite some time now to see if he could sustain an extended meditation. Finally, he comes up with another poetry book that is sure to stir readers’ interest and poetry aficionados worldwide. “Immolation Row” is a book-length poem in free verse, which is an extended interior monologue. In its freewheeling, unpredictable manner, the poem is as much a fugue as anything approaching objectivity. One door opened leads to another and another. Sometimes, the tone is somber, sometimes playful, but throughout the book, the language is always engaging. A meditative bricolage held together by rich language, a wealth of imagery and varying syntax, “IMMOLATION ROW” was written not to be objective, but rather, poet Tony Sanders wanted to demonstrate the sense of wonder people can find in a world full of uncertainties. For a tumultuous world that seems constantly in hurry, this poetry book invites everyone to take time-out and to shy away from the velocity of the information age. For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to Source: PRWEB