The chamber orchestra of the Netherlands “Word Chamber Trio” gave Friday in Algiers a concert, on the 8th evening of the 15th European Cultural Festival, in which they called for dialogue between cultures through a successful cohabitation of the different musical genres of the world. In Aissa Messaoudi Auditorium of the Algerian Radio, the audience was captivated with the orchestra’s judicious programme in which various styles were blended allowing good exchanges between people.   Marcel Worms on piano, Rutger Woudenberg on trumpet and Alex Simu on bass clarinet enchanted the audience through pieces skilfully rearranged.   The Dutch trio invited the Algerian musicians Mohammedi Ceyed Ali on electric bass and Dehane Mouatassime on percussion to share the stage with them, succeeding in creating a beautiful chemistry with ternary rhythms recalling the Algerian cultural heritage.