During three November evenings, El-Genaina Theatre will host winning musicians from the Samaana (Sam3na) festival, organised by Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy with the support of the Aga Khan Music Initiative. Samaana is a completion that aims to promote instrumental music, creating a wider fanbase through introducing talented young composers to the public. The competition was launched in August and was open to all Arab composers, accepting musicians from every genre, as long as they submitted original pieces and had not previously been released on an album or applied to any other competition. Users of the music platform to which submissions were uploaded could vote on their favourite compositions, while a panel of judges posted their evaluations of each piece to spark discussion without influencing voter choices. Programme: Saturday 9 November at 7pm Jasser Haj Youssef (Tunisia) Opening Act: Moufadhal Adhoum (Tunisia) Thursday 14 Novembet at 7pm Nagwan and Amro Salah Jazz Trio (Egypt) Opening Act: Antiqua Band (Egypt) Saturday 16 November at 7pm Mustafa Said (Egypt) Opening Act: Oscar (Egypt) El-Genaina Theatre, Al-Azhar Park, Salah Salem Road, Cairo Source: Ahram online