Intensive preparations are going on at Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) for launching the 24th Sharjah Ramadan Festival from July 11th to Aug 18th. The festival, which includes marketing and promotional activities, will be convened at shopping centres, markets and general parks across Sharjah Emirate. Since its start in 1991, SCCI has organised this commercial and promotional event annually in collaboration with local departments of Sharjah government in order to take advantage and benefit from facilities designated to enhance and promote Sharjah Emirate as a pioneer in the economic, tourism and culture fields. Assistant General Coordinator of the festival, Ibrahim Rashid Aljarwan, held a meeting at his office with a delegation from Sharjah Municipality at which they discussed means and support to be delivered to the festival in order to make this important event acceptable and attractive. Sharjah Municipality assured its readiness to provide all necessary needs and logistic support, Al-jarwan said in a statement following the meeting.