Police in Kiev have detained about ten participants in a meeting against the nationwide celebration of the 1,025th anniversary since the adoption of Eastern Orthodox Christianity by Kievan Rus. Some of the detainees are local artists. The meeting was held near the Mystetsky Arsenal museum. The police warned the protesters that a court had banned any actions on Lavrskaya Street where the museum is located. Then the law enforcers put the most active participants in a bus. According to unofficial information, the action was organized by a local religious community. The press service of the Kiev police said Friday those who encroach on law and order during the celebrations of the jubilee will be brought to punishment. “They will be held liable for their actions in accordance with effective legislation,” the press service of the city’s Interior Department said. Friday, Kiev’s district administrative court passed a ruling on “restrictions on the implementation of the right for peaceful meetings”. It banned the public actions and the installation of “small architectural forms like tents, kiosks, sheds, including the temporary and movable ones,” and the use of public address systems in the period of July 20 through to July 31. The restrictions concern Independence Square and the area adjoining it. Interior officials have asked the residents and guests of Kiev to show tolerance towards the representatives of various religious denominations. “Compliance with all the norms of legislation, observance of public law and order, restraint as regards the conflict situations, and assistance to the police in guarding law and order will be highly appreciated,” the report said.