The fourth Pan- Asia Film Festival showcases new cinema from across Asia, reflecting the vibrancy and energy in Asian film-making today. Featuring work by international directors alongside some of the freshest emerging film-making talent from the region. Films include Three and a Hal from Iran, directed by Naghi Nemati. This is Nemati’s second feature which follows three young women, Hanieh, Homa and Banafsheh, on a three day release from prison. Each is battling with their own inner conflicts which ultimately lead to tensions among them and a final abrupt twist. Nemati’s debut feature Those Three was shown at Pan-Asia Film Festival 2009.  This will be shown at Asia House, 14 March 2012 at 1845 hrs. £10/£8 concessions £6 Asia House Friends. Asia House, 63 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 7LP