35 docs selected among 250 sent from countries all over the world and running to win the prestigious Enel Green Power award, the official sponsor of the seventh edition of the Sole Luna festival programmed in Palermo at the Steri (in Marina Square), from July 6 to 13. The event was presented in full detail during a press conference held on June 28 at 11:00 in the church of S.Antonio Abate in the Steri. The new edition, under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic, has been supported by the Sicilian Film Commission . Among the events in programme are also a film review for non-competing films with six films dedicated to the problems in contemporary Iraq and made possible with the collaboration of the Iraq Short Film Festival in Baghdad. Running for the prestigious Enel Green Power Award \"New Energies\" are also 12 new young authors, students of the Cinema School in Palermo. There will also be room for an international meeting of two days on the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of the famous novel \"The little Prince\". The meeting plans to include the participation of intellectuals whose name precedes them in every corner of the world plus the projection of four films from the archive of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry foundation.