Music works focusing on Islamic awakening will soon be produced, said director general of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ministry’s Music Office. Talking to IRNA, Seyyed Mohammad Mirzamani added that the upcoming Fajr Music Festival will devote one of its sections to Islamic awakening. The Islamic Awakening is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Muslim World. Since 18 December 2010, there have been uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya resulting in the fall of its regime; civil uprisings in Bahrain and Yemen; major protests in the occupied Palestine against the Zionist regime, and also in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco and Oman, as well as minor protests in Kuwait, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Western Sahara. Clashes at the borders of the occupied Palestine with occupying forces of the Zionist regime in May 2011 were also inspired by the Islamic awakening in the region.