Adiyaman, a southeastern province of Turkey, rich in historical sites and natural beauties, hosts 5th Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Youth Festival. Five hundred youth from 40 countries like Britain, France, Sweden, Spain, and Italy participate in the festival organized by GAP Regional Development Administration and Adiyaman Governorate. The participants will stay in the 1,500 person-tent city set up in the festival area. During the festival, activities like youth summits on various social responsibility topics, street art exhibitions, dance shows, theatre and movie screenings will take place. In addition, several famous Turkish music bands will perform concerts during the 3-day festival. GAP is a sustainable development effort for the Turkey\'s Southeastern Anatolian Region that aims at improving the living standards so as to eliminate regional development disparities. GAP also undertakes youth and woman-oriented social responsibility projects to raise public awareness. The festival, organized with different topics since 2009, chose \'social responsibility\' as its topic this year.