The third GCC festival for People with Special Needs is an opportunity to showcase successful theatrical works and promote the inclusive culture which engages people with disabilities, and eases up their social integration, Bahraini Deputy Premier Sheikh Ali bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa said Tuesday. Sheikh Ali made his remarks in a speech during the opening ceremony of the festival at the Cultural Hall. Sheikh Ali expressed his delight and stressed importance of the event which sheds light on people with special needs, an important segment of the society. He affirmed keenness by the government, led by Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa to care for people with disabilities. The Bahraini official pointed out the Government's efforts to ensure physical disabilities does not hamper creativity and innovation, stressing in this regard educationaal and training opportunities available for the disabled to integrate all sectors of the labor market. Sheikh Ali also stressed importance on the programs and projects initiated by Social Development Ministry as well as efforts to ensure the success of the 3rd GCC Theatrical Festival for the Disabled. The festival which runs until December 10th, highlights key issues relation to the protection of the disabled's rights as stipulated in international human rights treaties and covenants