Doha Film Institute (DFI) and Katara announced Tuesday that they will show two new films for the first time in the Middle East on Katara Drama Theatre. The two films are Jake Schreier’s Robot & Frank and the Dardenne brothers’ The Kid With a Bike. The Kid With A Bike was nominated for a Golden Globe and won the Grand Prize of the Jury in Cannes in 2012. While Robot & Frank won the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize in the 2012 Sundance Film Festival. A statement from DFI and Katara said that Robot & Frank will be screened on September 11-17 and The Kid With A Bike will be screened on October 9-15. Robot & Frank, features an ex-jewel thief who receives a gift from his son, a robot butler programmed to look after him. Soon after, the two companions try their luck as a heist team. While The Kid With a Bike discusses the relationship of an orphan with the town’s hair dresser. Both films were very well received critically.