The cultural weeks being held abroad provide good opportunity to introduce rich Islamic-Iranian culture to the world, Director General of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization Ali-Reza Ismaili said on Monday. He made the remarks in an interview with IRNA. Ismaili who heads Iran cultural delegation to Algiers to hold Iran’s Cultural Week in the Algerian Talisman city noted that Iranian artists are performing cultural activities in 30 major cities around the world. The 9th International Conference on Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Imam of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Infallible Household has provided the Imam\'s servants worldwide with an opportunity to send books and software related to Imam from 52 countries, he said. Talisman has been designated as the Islamic World Cultural Capital by ISESCO in 2011 and holding the festival will serve as a starting point for promoting cultural ties among the Muslims. Holding photo exhibits and educational workshops on miniature, carpet weaving, illumination and handicrafts are among the programs of the cultural week on the sidelines of Talisman Festival. Iran\'s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is planning to hold the 9th International Conference Imam Reza (PBUH) Festival in different countries from September 29. The event will present more than 200,000 artworks; including calligraphies, paintings and abstract art works, as well as poetry inspired by the life and teachings of the Imam. Imam Reza (AS) was born in Medina and is widely known for his extraordinary scholarship and saintly characteristics.