After the film of Wes Anderson, a colourful fable about the world of adults and children, with a love story between Suzy (Kara Hayward) and Sam (Jared Gilman) who plan to run away together from lying and quarreling parents, police officers and boy scout leaders, communication problems that the loudhailer Suzy\'s mother (Frances McDormand) uses to talk with her husband (Bill Murray) fails to resolve, all Festival guests are welcomed by chairman Gilles Jacob and by general manager Thierry Fremaux, followed by an open-air dinner. In the absence of super-divas, Moretti played a leading role: pieces of his films were shown before the jury president came in, welcomed by a standing ovation, accompanied by Edward Norton and Bruce Willis, the two protagonists of Anderson. The Italian director, speaking in French said: \'\'I thank the Festival of Cannes and this country, which unlike others still leaves much space to cinema. It is an honour, a privilege and a responsibility for me to lead the jury.\'\' He did not mention Italy specifically, but the reference was clear, in a country where his films are popular and a festival that regularly shows his productions (last year Habemus Papam, in 2001 he won the Palme d\'Or with La stanza del figlio). This year\'s opening speech for the Festival that celebrates its 65th anniversary was made by an inspired Beatrice Bejo, the actress who, directed by her husband Michael Hazanavicius in The Artist, has helped to make French film more popular than ever abroad.