The Cairo International Film Festival is always keen to shed light on African films, which are making great progress and proving a strong presence on the global cinema scene. As an integral part of Africa, Egypt continually strives to bridge different African countries, which enjoy vast and largely unexploited resources, human and otherwise. The 35th round of the Cairo International Film Festival will be held 27 November to 6 December, with nine movies scheduled for screening that revolve around the realities of African society. Additionally, a large-scale seminar under the theme of \"African Day\" will be held 29 November from 11am to 6pm. The seminar will tackle the role of cinema in Africa as a mediator for political, cultural and societal liberation, as well the role of African film in rebuilding the continent\'s image. The Cairo International Film Festival is the oldest film festival in the Middle East. It exists to enhance the Egyptian, Arab and African film industry. From / Ahram Online