Northern Governor Ali bin Al-Shaikh Abdul Hussain Khalaf Al Asfoor has extended sincere congratulations to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the government and the Bahraini people on the celebrations of Bahrain of its National Days on December 16 and 17, marking the anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of Bahrain as an Arab and Muslim country in 1783 by its founder Ahmed Al-Fateh, the 42nd Anniversary of joining the UN as a full member and the 14th Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's Accession to the Throne. This came as he attended a popular festival, held today in Budaiya walkway by the Northern Governorate, in collaboration with the Information Affairs Authority, on the Kingdom of National Days. Addressing an audience of citizens and residents, the Governor asserted that the participation of the citizens of the Northern Governorate in the celebration reflected "strong loyalty and belonging to the cherished nation", noting that the "local, regional and global challenges require us to increase our dedication and giving in order to ensure optimal use of our human and financial resources in order to consolidate comprehensive development and benefit our citizens." "As we mark such dear national occasions, we remind ourselves of our collective responsibility to enhance the progress and development march of the homeland which deserves a lot from us," he said. He pointed out that marking the glorious National Day and the Anniversary of HM the King's Accession to the Throne is an opportunity to express pride in the innumerable achievements attained by the kingdom, locally and at the GCC, Arab and international levels. "We agree and believe that the most important themes of renaissance in our country are outlined in the wise leadership's keen desire to develop a national strategy to build the nation and enhance its development process, according to a democratic interaction between the state and the citizens," he also said, expressing hope that the National Days will be an opportunity to strengthen cohesion among the members of the one-family Bahraini society and safeguard the national fabric so that all citizens take part in the kingdom's progress march. The festival featured folk dances, Arda tableaux, fireworks and recreational activities.