Member Yahia Rabah

Leading member of Fatah Movement Yahia Rabah said that the new American administration did not present or announce the shape and content of the new initiative or the deal of the century that President Donald Trump talked about, noting that the American envoy for peace, Gerald Kouchner, in his recent visit and meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas, asked for a four-month deadline to prepare a clear plan to achieve peace.

He added that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed that the Palestinian leadership will not accept any initiative except on the basis of the two-state solution to establish the Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967.

He pointed out to the obstacles that the Israeli government is putting in the direction of any solution to the peace through the continuation of its aggressive practices towards the Palestinians with settlement projects in the occupied West Bank and Judaization in Jerusalem.

He said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in a deadlock because of the many files of corruption he is accused of. He added that these files will make him leave political life irreversibly and he is now working to restore the confidence among the settlers and the extreme right in his party through settlement projects and judaization of Palestinian cities and Jerusalem.

He praised the efforts exerted by the Palestinian government to restore the rights of Palestinian people after years of violations committed by the Israeli occupation. He stressed that the Palestinian president expressed his insistence on resuming the efforts to restore the Palestinian rights.

He added that The Palestinian leadership continues to expose the crimes and violations of the occupation against the Palestinian people and it is communicating with the international community in this, and always working to read what is happening in the world and its impact on the Palestinian cause.

He added that the Palestinian leadership works currently to prepare a number of files to expose the increasing crimes committed by the Palestinian people and the possibility to refer the Israeli officials who committed such crimes to the International Criminal Court (ICC). He added that the Israeli government does not want to achieve peace