Writer and political analyst Hany Habib

Writer and political analyst Hany Habib said that there is considerable international attention from international relief agencies, such as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees and international institutions such as the Red Cross, over the distressing situation of the people of the Gaza Strip and to contribute to the recovery of the disaster facing the population there.

He added, in a statement to “Al Maghrib Today”, that the visit of the president of the Red Cross is directly related to the subject of Israeli prisoners in the hands of the "Qassam", saying that the Israeli government, led by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, faces increasing pressures from the Israeli people to release the Israeli prisoners arrested by the Palestinian resistance.

The political analyst stressed that it is difficult for both Palestinians and Israelis to find a solution for the problem of Israeli prisoners during the current period, blaming the Israeli government for the challenges facing any attempt to find a solution for this problem.

He denied what was promoted by the Turkish government over a Turkish role to achieve Palestinian reconciliation during the current period, saying that Egypt is the only player that performs a notable role in this issue. He stressed that the Turkish president failed to achieve any progress in the issue of the Palestinian reconciliation since his visit to Palestine and meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas.

On the other hand, He praised the efforts exerted by the Palestinian government to restore the rights of Palestinian people after years of violations committed by the Israeli occupation. He stressed that the Palestinian president expressed his insistence on resuming the efforts to restore the Palestinian rights.

He added that The Palestinian leadership continues to expose the crimes and violations of the occupation against the Palestinian people and it is communicating with the international community in this, and always working to read what is happening in the world and its impact on the Palestinian cause.

He added that the Palestinian leadership works currently to prepare a number of files to expose the increasing crimes committed by the Palestinian people and the possibility to refer the Israeli officials who committed such crimes to the International Criminal Court (ICC). He added that the Israeli government does not want to achieve peace.