A basketball festival titled “Russia, Syria, Basketball Unites Countries” was held on Saturday

A basketball festival titled “Russia, Syria, Basketball Unites Countries” was held on Saturday at the main courtyard al-Fayhaa sports complex in Damascus.

The event included an exhibition match between the veterans of the Syrian and Russian national basketball teams, ending in a draw at 44/44, in addition to a match between male and female junior athletes from Damascus, a performance by the Circassian Folk Troupe and basketball demonstrations by a Russian team.

The Russian team presented a number of basketballs to the clubs in Damascus, Damascus Countryside, and Quneitra provicnes.

Minister Plenipotentiary at the Russian Embassy in Damascus Elbrus Kutrashev said that this event is a step towards developing sports relaitons between the two countries, and that it shows the unique level of relaitons between the two countries.

For his part, Chairman of the G