Olympic in Rio de Janeiro

Traditional gymnastics powerhouse Romania has missed out on a place in the women's Olympic team event after a disappointing display at a Rio 2016 qualifying tournament on Sunday.

The Romanian women dropped to fifth after three of four subdivisions were completed at the Olympic test event in Rio de Janeiro.

The competition provided Olympic spots to the top four-placed nations. With two teams yet to compete, Romania were already eliminated early on Sunday evening.

Despite missing out on the team event, Romania will still be able to send one female gymnast to Rio.

Romania has won 49 individual women's gymnastics medals - including 21 gold - at the Olympics since 1976.

Meanwhile Dipa Karmakar became the first Indian gymnast to qualify for an Olympics.

The 22-year-old recovered from a poor performance in the uneven bars on Sunday to finish strongly in the beam and floor exercises and earn 51.698 points.

Dipa was originally placed on India's reserve list for the test event before being told last month that she had been promoted to India's main squad.
