UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will next week visit Japan''s Fukushima nuclear plant, which was devastated by the earthquake and tsunami in March, the United Nations said Tuesday. The UN Chief will also visit his native South Korea following the stop in Tokyo at the beginning of next week. "I wanted to come to Japan as soon as possible after the tragedy of March 11 to express the solidarity and deep sympathy that the whole world feels for the people of your great country," Ban said in an interview with Japanese media. He said he plans to meet personally with survivors of the tragedy and express his "admiration" for the people and government of Japan for meeting the challenges presented by the disasters. "You are not alone in this," he said. "Japan has always been with the UN and now it is the time for the UN to be with Japan." In Tokyo, Ban will meet with Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto, the UN said. In South Korea, Ban will launch the Global Model UN Conference in Incheon and address the opening of the Academic Impact forum in Seoul. He will meet with President Lee Myung-bak and other government officials before returning to New York on August 14.