Teenage girl dies in Sharjah balcony fall

 A 16-year-old girl has fallen to her death from a high-rise residential building.
Sharjah Police has launched an investigation into the circumstances behind the death of the Indian girl, who fell from her family’s 7th floor apartment on Abdul Nasir Street on Monday afternoon.
A report was called in at 2.30pm but the girl had died on impact and her body was taken to Sharjah’s forensic lab.
Last month, a 40-year-old woman fell to her death from a 17th floor apartment in Al Tawuun. Also in February, an 20-month-old Arab boy fell from the third-floor balcony of his home in the same area. He died 10 days later in Al Qassimi Hospital due to the severity of his injuries.

Source: The National