Tanzanian President John Magufuli

Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Friday mourned eight young policemen killed by gunmen on Thursday night, saying it was a huge loss to the East African nation.
The eight policemen were shot dead by an unknown group of gunmen at Jaribu Mpakani in Coast region while they were returning from patrols. The gunmen also made away with unspecified number of firearms from the slain policemen.
The policemen were ambushed in their vehicle as they were travelling along Dar es Salaam-Lindi highway. One of their colleagues was injured and rushed to hospital where his condition was described as improving.
In his message of condolence, Magufuli said: "They were killed as they were serving the nation."
Meanwhile, police said they killed four of the gunmen and recovered four firearms, including one snatched from the slain policemen, in the early hours of Friday.
Nsato Mssanzya, a police commissioner responsible for investigations and training, said the police have launched a manhunt for the gunmen, adding: "We will arrest all of them dead or alive."
The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance also condemned the killings of the policemen, saying records showed that there had been a tidal wave of killings of policemen in Coast region since 2015.

Source: Xinhua