A boy who was fatally stabbed with a broken golf club outside his school gates was the victim of mistaken identity, a court has heard. Adil Basharat, 16, of Buckinghamshire, was attacked at Kingsbrook School in Deanshanger, Northants, on 19 November. Adil died in hospital. Northampton Crown Court heard he was the wrong victim in a revenge attack over stolen drugs. Four men deny murder and violent disorder. They are Jake Batten, 22, and Freddy Wilson, 20, both of Deanshanger; Adam Moore, 20, of Cosgrove and Daniel Anderson, 20, from Stony Stratford. Mr Moore and a fifth man, Billy Billingham, 19, of Bradville, Milton Keynes, also deny conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm between 1 October and 19 November. 'Orchestrated attack' Prosecutor Benjamin Aina QC said Adil and two friends were socialising with other pupils on a grass verge outside the school when they were attacked by four men at about 1110 BST. The attackers used a golf club, a screwdriver, walking crutches and a metal bar, the court heard. The club broke and was thrust into Adil's pelvis, severing the main artery. "It is the prosecution's case that Billy Billingham was responsible for orchestrating the attack as a revenge attack," said Mr Aina. "The revenge attack was because some drugs had been stolen from him a few weeks before the attack. "In fact, this is a case sadly of mistaken identity." He told the jury the attack, captured on CCTV, lasted about a minute. The trial continues.