South Africa

South African Transport Minister Dipuo Peters on Tuesday said 1,714 people died in road accidents in the 2016/17 festive season, which marked a 5 percent increase in road crash fatality as compared to the 2015/2016 period.

While briefing the media in Johannesburg, Peters said the accidents were mainly caused by rains, irresponsible driving and long weekends.

There has been an increase of 250,000 vehicles on the country's roads which also contributed to the accidents.

About 40 percent of passengers died in accidents while 34 percent were pedestrians, 24 percent were drivers and 2 percent cyclists. About 75 percent of those killed in the accidents in the last festive period were men.

"There is an influx on our roads of drivers who are not competent and qualified to be driving on our roads," Peters added.

During the festive season over 9,175 people were arrested for various traffic offenses.

Source :Xinhua