A Wisconsin man was killed by two neighbors during an argument over mowing the lawn, police allege. James Richardson, 51, and James Richards, 19, who was staying with him, were charged Monday with killing Beau Butschke, 28, of Ixonia, Wis., July 14 and hiding his body in a shed, WITI-TV in Milwaukee reports. Authorities say Butschke had complained that Richardson was shirking yardwork at the duplex where they lived, and Richardson was being evicted. Butschke\'s apartment was then burglarized, and when he heard Richardson and Richards shooting his stolen .22-caliber rifle on July 14, he confronted them. Richardson shot Butschke several times, finally in the head at point-blank range, police allege. The body was not found for two weeks. On Sunday, Richards went to the Janesville police, looking for a homeless shelter, and both men were arrested and allegedly confessed, police said. Both are charged with first-degree intentional homicide, theft from a person or corpse and hiding a corpse. They are in the Jefferson County Jail.