Police in a Massachusetts town said they were called to a salvage yard when a man unloading disarmed grenades found an unidentified military device. New Bedford police said they were called Monday to New England Demolition & Salvage by co-owner Harry James, who told them he found the device, measuring about 8-10 inches long with a propeller at one end, while unloading disarmed hand grenades and other military items from his truck, the New Bedford Standard-Times reported Tuesday. Police and fire crews responded to the Cove Street building about 10:30 a.m. and shut down the block to traffic and pedestrians for more than 90 minutes. A Massachusetts State Police bomb squad responded to the location and determined the device, which is believed to be from World War II, was disarmed and not a threat. James said he obtained the disarmed military gear from the family of a man who died in January.