Detectives investigating allegations of voicemail hacking have arrested a woman. The suspect was detained just before 7am today at a residential address in West Yorkshire, Scotland Yard said. She was arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept mobile phone voicemail messages and was being questioned at a police station in Yorkshire, said a spokesman. The arrest is part of Operation Weeting, a new investigation into phone hacking allegations involving the News of the World which was launched by the Metropolitan Police in January. The paper\'s former royal reporter Clive Goodman and private detective Glenn Mulcaire were jailed in 2007 for intercepting messages from members of the Royal household. The new inquiry was set up following allegations that other famous people also had their messages intercepted. Three News of the World journalists have been arrested since the new inquiry was launched. Scotland Yard gave no details about the suspect arrested this morning. News International said in a statement: \"This morning\'s events did not relate to a current employee or a former full-time member of staff of the News of the World. \"We have been co-operating fully with the police inquiry since our voluntary disclosure of evidence reopened the police investigation. \"Since then we have been determined to deal with these issues both on the criminal and civil side. In April we admitted liability in several civil cases and we are attempting to bring these to a fair resolution.\"