Indian police kill daesh suspect in northern state

Indian police Wednesday claimed it has killed an Islmaic State suspect in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh after a 12-hour standoff.

The suspect was killed inside a house on the outskirts of Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh early Wednesday.

"Commandos tried to storm the room where the suspect was present but he fired upon them and in retaliatory fire, he got killed," Aseem Arun, a senior police official associated with anti-terror unit told media.

"He (Saifullah) was hit by four to five bullets. We have recovered eight pistols, ammunition from the room besides other incriminating material."

Local media quoting police officials have identified the slain suspect was an Indian, and an active member of the Khurasan module of IS.

"Three people have been arrested from Kanpur. The suspect was here. We tried to convince him until last but he didn't relent and we had to ultimately neutralise him," Uttar Pradesh Police Chief Javeed Ahmad told media in Lucknow.

Local residents said on Tuesday that they saw police force surrounding a house and subsequently an operation went on until early Wednesday morning.

"First policemen came in large numbers and then word went across that some suspect is inside a room in the building," Ankur Tiwari, a local told Xinhua. "A huge crowd gathered and then intermittent sound of fire and burst of tear gas shells was heard."

Police officials said they have started investigations into the matter.

Source: Xinhua