The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has regretted the sorrowful incidents witnessed

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has regretted the sorrowful incidents witnessed at the Evangelical Church and School in Omdurman and the assassination of the priest Yunnan Abdalla, on April 3.
In a press statement Thursday, the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry has expressed condolence to the family of the late priest, hoping that all parties will stick to wisdom, resort to the rule of justice and abide by dialogue as means for solving all issues, in compliance with the values and traditions of the Sudanese people that are based on tolerance, respect of faiths and the freedom of religion.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the incident happened at the Evangelical Church and School in Omdurman was an individual and isolated one and will not affect the freedom of religion and the fundamental rights for all citizens which are enshrined in the Constitution and the laws.
The yard of the Evangelical Church and School in Omdurman witnessed on April 3, 2017 a dispute between two groups on the right to manage the church, but the dispute has escalated and resulted in the assassination of the priest Yunnan Abdalla.
In their dispute, the two parties have resorted to the different levels of litigation until the Constitutional Court which decided that the group to assume the Church management shall be the executive committee which was elected in the year 2016.
The security authorities have rushed to the scene of the incident and arrested the person accused of the murder crime who was the head of the executive committee which was elected in the year 2016.

Source : SUNA