Guinea\'s former army chief Nouhou Thiam was arrested Tuesday after an attack on President Alpha Conde\'s home in Conakry which left one dead and two injured, his wife told AFP. \"They came to fetch my husband at 10 am (local and GMT) and he has been at the police station ever since,\" she said of her husband, who was fired by Conde shortly after he was elected seven months ago. Thiam was replaced by General Kelesa Diallo who headed the army under the transitional government which led the country between January and November 2010 after a military junta which took power in 2008. Conde was unharmed in the attack on his home, which was struck by a rocket as heavy weapons fire shook the capital in the early hours of the morning. He later called for calm in a televised address to the nation. An emergency meeting called by Prime Minister Mohamed Said Fofana was taking place Tuesday afternoon bringing together top members of government and the army.