The Special Criminal Court in Riyadh sentenced a young man to 10 years in prison on Tuesday for embracing takfiri ideology and declaring officials working for the state and the security services as nonbelievers.
He was also convicted of joining Daesh, swearing allegiance to the leader of the group, following online individuals who support the group, applauding the criminal actions of the group including killing policemen and bombing operations and describing such actions as jihadist.
The charges against the man also included covering up for his cousin, who is wanted by law enforcement authorities, communicating with his cousin after his travel to conflict zones, developing and storing materials that disrupt public order on his account on Twitter and storing videos, photos and slogans of terrorists.
Given the young age of the defendant and for his showing remorse and repentance for his actions, the court decided to suspend four years from the sentence.
The court also ordered that his mobile phone be confiscated and his social media account closed. He was also banned from writing and traveling outside the Kingdom after his prison term ends for five years.

Source: Arab News