An Algerian army detachment in In-Guezzam found an arms cache

An Algerian army detachment in In-Guezzam found an arms cache containing a large quantity of munitions of different calibers and six cartridge clips for Kalashnikov submachine guns, the Ministry of National Defense said Tuesday in a statement carried by state news agency APS.
"In counterterrorism operations and reconnaissance patrols in In-Guezzam (6th military district), a detachment of the People's National Army discovered yesterday, 3 April 2017, a cache containing a large quantity of ammunition (1,981 bullets) of different calibers and six magazines for Kalashnikov submachine guns," the statement said.
Army detachments also destroyed 14 "terrorist" bunkers, three mines and four homemade bombs in Boumerdes, Tizi Ouzou, Tebessa, Batna and Bejaia, the ministry added.In Tebessa, the national gendarmerie arrested two supporters of a "terrorist" group. 

Source: QNA