Algeria militants

Algerian counter-terrorism troops on Saturday killed four armed militants in the southeastern province of Batna, said a statement of the Defense Ministry.
The source specified that army troops launched a wide scale combing operation in the woods of Djbel Metlili, southern Batna, following accurate tips of the existence of a terrorist group there.
The operation led to the killing of four militants, the source noted, adding that four Kalachnikov sub machine-guns and ammunition were retrieved.
The source further added that army troops deployed on the borderline with Libya managed to thwart an intrusion attempt of three armed individuals, who were forced to backward, noting that a Kalashnikov sub-machine gun, ammunition and a load of foodstuffs were retrieved.
Located in a region plagued by unprecedented security and political instability, Algeria faces ongoing terrorist threats, experts said.
A few militants affiliated to al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb and recently established Islamic State affiliate groups are still taking refuge in the dense woods in the north, and remote desert areas near the troubled Libya and Mali.

Source: Xinhua