Injured people get assistance on the scene of an explosion

Three French nationals were wounded in the attack on a night club in Istanbul during New Year festivities in which at least 39 people were killed, RFI reported on Sunday. 

This was announced on Sunday by the French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault who condemned the attack, terming it cowardly and odious.

Ayrault said that France stood alongside Turkey and members of the international coalition in its fight against terrorism.

President François Hollande too strongly condemned the attack and expressed his solidarity with Turkey in this ordeal.

Meanwhile, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Sunday that of 21 victims who have been identified so far, 16 are foreigners and five are Turks. Another 69 people are being treated in hospital for their wounds.

Soylu said the attacker escaped and was now the target of a major manhunt, expressing hope the suspect “would be captured soon”.

Source: MENA