Mohamed Al Manissy

Egypt’s former Ambassador to Doha Mohamed Al Manissy said that Qatar will not tolerate the current siege imposed against it by the neighboring states and other Arab countries that decided to cut diplomatic ties with it during the recent period. He blamed the Qatari government for supporting Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups.

He added that the recent measures taken by six Arab countries, including Saudi, Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, could lead to a state of economic collapse, saying that the decision came in the right time to contain the threats posed by the policies adopted by the Gulf’s tiny state. He stressed that Qatar turns to adopt policies aiming to harm the interests of the neighboring states, saying that they support the terrorist groups.

Regarding the air and land embargo by the Gulf States on Qatar and its impact, he said that the Qatari airlines will witness increasing losses during the coming period due to the closure of Saudi air space before the Qatari flights, saying that such a measure will prolong the flights between Qatar and other countries of all over the world.

Ambassador Al-Manisi expected that Qatar would not change its policy and stop supporting terrorism unless it was exposed to terrorist operations inside it and felt what other countries were exposed to. He underlined the cordial relations between Qatar and Iran, on the contrary of the other Gulf States. He added that Qatar is viewed by the international community as a part of Saudi Arabia, so they turned to support terrorist groups to find a role and to increase their influence.

He added, “I told one of the Qatari officials to remember what Gaddafi was doing and think he is a great leader of a small country so he turned to provide financial support for the terrorist groups in all over the world.

He predicted that a number of Arab countries will perform a major role to mediate between Qatar and the other Arab countries to ease the current tensions between the Gulf States, saying the Qatari government should take serious action to end the crisis through changing its policies.