Former UN Secretary Boutros Boutros

Former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros Ghali has slammed western media for failing to highlight the positive economic developments and stability in Egypt.

Some western media outlets have gone as far as falsely depicting the Egyptian landscape to send a message that the country is unstable, Ghali said in statements Tuesday.

He cited the coverage of the recent attacks in North Sinai by a number of western media outlets, which, according to him, were far from being professional in terms of objectivity and balance in tackling the news.

World countries have all become targets of international terrorism, Ghali said, calling for unifying efforts to fight this challenge.

That's what world peoples expect from the international media, he noted. The international media should promote solidarity among world countries to uproot terrorism and achieve security and stability, Ghali concluded.

Ghali was the sixth secretary general of the UN, serving from January 1992 to December 1996.

He oversaw the UN at a time when it dealt with several world crises, including the break-up of Yugoslavia and the Rwandan Genocide. He was also the first secretary general of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie from November 1997 to December 2002.
Source: MENA