Casablanca - Youssra Mostafa
Moroccan Artist Dounia Boutazout is on a roll. She was recently awarded Best Television Star for her performance in last Ramadan’s television show. But the actress is concerned her future projects will not live up to her past work. “This title gives me more responsibilities and makes me choose my parts more carefully,” she said. She attributes the secret of her success so far to the credibility of the show and the popularity of the character. Dounia Boutazout sat with Arabstoday for an exclusive interview: Arabstoday: The Moroccan public chose you as the best TV star in Ramadan 2012. How does that make you feel? Donia Boutazout: I was very happy. This title comes with a responsibility and makes me careful about my next television roles. I will always have concerns about what people think of my work. The artist should always try to convince the viewers of the role they are playing that way viewers will care about the character and start to interact with them. But they can also dislike the show if they start to feel like the characters are not credible. For me this is the failure every artist fears. AT: What do you think of the developments in Soad’s character in the third part of the series “Dima Giran”? DB: In the latest season, Soad was forced to develop. She got a makeover which fits her new position as the campaign manager of a candidate running for elections. The developments in her character show in her appearance, the way she talks and deals with others. But, Soad’s authoritarian character is still present in the way she treats her husband Sofian or her neighbours. Luckily, the viewers liked this change. AT: How do you maintain your popularity throughout the series? DB: Credibility, respect of my fans and their love of the character are the secrets to my popularity. When you love the character, you give it honesty and spontaneity. And if you are committed to those, you respect the viewers and get closer to them and in turn they love you back. AT: Carefully selecting roles is the responsibility of every actor, so he should have different roles. DB: I prefer roles that are likely to become popular. They are not static or have a set pattern but are dynamic and always developing. AT: Since you have similarity with Soad’s character, do you sometimes improvise when the cameras are rolling? DB: If I am not convinced with a script I change it even if that delays filming. I discussed with the director or the production manager many times to convince them of my point of view and if I’m not convinced with something I won’t do it. AT: You had many roles, from the weak girl in the series “Laokba lik” to the authoritarian in “Dima Giran” (Always Neighbours). Which of them is closest to Dounia? DB: (laughs) Dounia is not like Soad and not like Lamia, neither weak nor authoritarian. But I discovered that I should be a mix between them. Sometimes like Lamia the weak girl and other times like Soad with her strong character. If I am like Lamia, then the man would be the authoritarian and if I am like Soad he would run away. So it’s better to be a mix between both characters so there is a balance. What my beloved viewers should know is that I’m nice and very distant from Soad’s character, and I wouldn’t want to be an authoritarian wife like her. AT: What shows did you watch during Ramadan? DB: I am an addict of television during Ramadan. I watched “Solo Hadidan” because I love traditional works. I grew up with my grandmother and enjoyed her stories. I loved shows like “Omar”, “Maa Sabq al Israr” and “Bab el Khalq”. AT: Do you think there is room for one more season? DB: If there are fresh ideas, I’ll keep working on it. But instead if things remain the same, then it would be a risk that would require more effort and a strong team. AT: In this part, it was clear that you and Mohamed Bastawi were in harmony and understanding. How do you explain that? DB: (laughs) Because elections brought us together. I appreciate his professionalism. He gives your space while acting and will never freeze up when the actor opposite him improvises. AT: Which film can you repeatedly watch without being bored? DB: “Rahma” starring Hassan al- Faz and Houda al-Rihani. I watched it several times. The story is very well done. I would never be bored of watching “The Red Mill” starring Nicole Kidman. AT: It came to our knowledge that you are in talks to work with the comedian Hassan al-Faz. How far did it go? DB: (surprised) How did you get that news? AT: Does this mean it’s true? DB: I won’t reveal anything and will leave it as a surprise for my beloved viewers.