Kuwait Red Crescent Society Chairman Hilal al-Sayer

Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) Board Chairman Hilal Al-Sayer said here on Thursday voluntary work is a sign of effective citizenship and positive contribution to comprehensive development.
Distinctive humanitarian and relief efforts by the KRCS's staff are highly commended by everyone thanks to their principled commitment and immediate response, Al-Sayer said during a ceremony organized by the KRCS to mark the International Volunteer Day (IVD).
Voluntary work in Kuwait has turned into an established culture in society, with a large number of Kuwaiti citizens being involved in volunteering, he boasted.
The KRCS has shouldered huge responsibilities for serving the society, establishing the culture of volunteerism and finding methods and ways to buttress voluntary programs, Al-Sayer affirmed.
It has contributed to supporting young volunteers who participated in exhibitions and social occasions as well as humanitarian events in the countries that were hit by natural disasters, he added.
Furthermore, on December 5, every year, fresh voluntary development, social and humanitarian projects are launched by the KRCS, Al-Sayer pointed out.
Source: KUNA