Dr Ahmed Elbadawy from Ain Shams Medical School, Cairo revealed to Arab Today the latest tool in liposuction to be used in Egypt. Laser is used to melt fat layers just under the skin - without the need for traditional cutting, he explained. A very thin tube is inserted into the patient whilst under local anaesthetic. The high intensity laser melts the fatty deposits - which are either broken down by the body if in small amounts, or are removed by suction. The professor from Ain Shams University said he was the first to pioneer the treatment in the country which has benefited many people suffering from various levels of obesity. He said outstanding results have been achieved from over a hundred procedures carried out. An advantage of using laser to remove fat, he said is that it can be carried in several parts of the body at the same time as there is no blood loss during the procedure. Dr Elbadawy said side effect such as swelling and bruising is extremely rare, as the procedure targets fat cells and not blood capillaries or nerves.